Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Start Each Day With a Healthy Breakfast Smoothie!

Most people's breakfasts ARE totally NOT healthy - and this will seriously reduce your body's ability to burn fat!

With today's hectic lifestyles, chances are we rush around in the morning, grab something quick - piece of toast, banana and a cuppa... kids munching on sugar or choco coated cereals - sound familiar?

Breakfast Pizza

We forget that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

In fact, the recommendation by nutritionists is that breakfast should make up at least 25% of your daily calories.

Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Queen and dinner like a beggar!!! This way, you front load your calories at the top end of the day, which makes sense because more calories are burned throughout the day than in the evening, all other things being equal.

Studies have also shown that people who habitually don't have breakfast tend to have higher levels of cholesterol and so have a much higher risk of developing heart disease.

All the nutrition you get from a healthy breakfast really sets you up for the day. Not only is your energy high and your digestion improved, it's been shown that people who eat breakfast tend to suffer less from illnesses, particularly the common colds and coughs.

Well, I totally advise everyone who wants to optimise their health and start controlling their weight to start the day off right with a modern, highly balanced nutrition smoothie for breakfast - even if it's to supplement that piece of toast or bowl of cardboard - erm, sorry cereal.

Nutrition smoothies are super quick to make - you can even make up a job lot the night before if it's for all the family - packed with high quality balanced nutrients, like protein, vitamins and mineral all in one easy and delicious mix - you just add milk, soya or fruit juice or any combination and shake or blend... each one works out very economical. You can mix it in a container or with a hand whisk or use a blender to add any soft or frozen fruits you want to.

Of course you need to pick a high quality brand of nutrition mix and you'll feel the energy it gives you - you'll know your body's been missing out on its core nutrition after just a day or so.

This way you can really focus on the challenges of the day, not on what you are eating or not eating! For weight loss, it's just as simple - just swap two nutrition smoothies for two of your daily meals, including breakfast.

Start Each Day With a Healthy Breakfast Smoothie!

Dr Jacqueline Allyson

Visit Start Healthy Breakfasts Today because you'll want to experience the same great results myself and my local clients get with our healthy breakfast product.

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