Saturday, December 25, 2010

Eat Your Breakfast!

It never ceases to amaze me how many people do not eat breakfast!

From trades-people to service providers, executives to kids, real estate agents to bankers, they do not eat the meal that breaks the fast.

Breakfast Pizza

The meal that would make them stronger, healthier and much easier to be around.

the meal that would make them more successful.

I have found that people who do not eat breakfast are extremely cranky.

These individuals' idea of breakfast may either be a cup of coffee or tea, or even fruit juice, all useless by themselves. The caffeine drinks jazz them up and the fruit juice is just sugar, which has a similar effect. A huge rise and a great fall.

It would be so much easier on me, and others who do eat a nutritious breakfast each day if others in business would do the same.

Yes, I may sound selfish, however, I am a little frustrated with being forced to deal with certain individuals in the morning that have not had a healthy breakfast.
They can be cranky, abrupt, and short-tempered and have a bad memory.

It doesn't help that they may have a decent lunch; I am dealing with them in the morning. No choice, in most instances.

Some say they have no time. Well, if you have time to get dressed, you have time to eat something. Get up earlier to exercise, meditate and eat breakfast!

Susan has been in her field for over twenty years. Her point is that she either sleeps or eats breakfast, and sleeping always wins out. The best she has been able to accomplish regarding breakfast is a protein drink. Not bad, but could be better.

Susan says that if she sleeps, gets into work on time, there is usually a staff meeting. The meeting ends at 11:00 AM or so and too late for breakfast, so wait for lunch. Starving, the employees run off to gorge on lunch, yet still have to work hard in the afternoon. Most times, they have eaten two meals in one, of which most will turn to fat and they will certainly be drowsy during the remainder of the day.

Protein is good for breakfast; so consider making hard-boiled eggs at the beginning of the week. Best case scenario, take an egg in the car each day and eat a few grams of protein. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, scramble some tofu in advance, roll into an organic tortilla and you are on your way.

You can eat last night's dinner - maybe a piece of chicken, pizza or grilled vegetables. Or make yourself some eggs, egg whites or peanut butter on toast.

Or brown bag your breakfast. Raid the fridge and put it together the night before.

A nasty side effect from not eating breakfast is over eating at lunch. Too much food, too little time to digest and it quickly turns to fat. Which means you gain weight.

A benefit from eating breakfast is that it helps you maintain or even lose weight.

And it is better for the brain, and me, especially if I have to talk business with you.

So, do yourself, your co-workers and me a favor.

Eat your breakfast to be successful!

Article Title: Eat Your Breakfast to be Successful!

Author Name: Joanne Victoria

Contact E-mail Address:

Word Count: 611

Category: Health/Communication

Copyright Date: 2008

Eat Your Breakfast!

Joanne Victoria, owner of New Directions and author of "Vision bWith a Capital V - Create the Business of Your Dreams", with over 25 years of experience in business development and marketing coaching and consulting, works with and speaks to the real estate industry on how to have more clarity, more satisfaction, more sales and more fun. You can reach Joanne by phone at: 360-377-2995.

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