Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eat Your Breakfast

Your mother probably made sure you had something to eat before you left the house for school, stood over your shoulder, made sure you ate it and pushed you out the door to catch the schoolbus. News Flash! Breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. This is because breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and that leads to weight loss! The National Weight Control Registry is responsible for tracking people who have lost at least 50 pounds and kept it off for more than a year. In each and every case, these "losers" are all eating breakfast.

The morning routine of waking up, washing your face, brushing your teeth, taking a shower and drinking coffee or tea is commonplace for many adults. What about your metabolism? It needs to be awakened, too. Breakfast is the best way to do this.

Breakfast Pizza

EAT YOUR CEREAL: Many cereals contain vitamins, minerals and whole grains that are healthy and beneficial for your morning cuisine. Choose a cereal with 5 grams or more of Fiber, 200 calories or less per serving, 10 grams or less of added sugar per serving, 3 grams of protein or more and 25% of your Daily Value of Iron.

The ideal breakfast includes a bit of fat, protein and carbohydrates for a balanced meal. This goes for every meal, not just breakfast. Here are some samples of quick and easy breakfasts:

* a whole wheat English muffin toasted with peanut butter

* 1 cup of nonfat yogurt mixed with strawberries and honey

* 1 whole wheat spinach tortilla with scrambled egg whites, tomatoes and low-fat cheese

* ½ cup of whole-grain oatmeal cooked with 1 cup of skim/1% milk and a sprinkling of raisins, dates or nuts

Some people complain they don't enjoy 'breakfast foods'. In many other cultures, breakfast does not consist of bacon and eggs!! Foregoing the traditional American breakfast for anything that tastes good to you is infinitely better than skipping the most important meal of the day. Have a sandwich, leftover cheese pizza or a piece of fresh fruit. The most important thing is to ingest a few hundred calories and zap your system with a bit of protein.

Americans watch, on average, 3 hours of television per day. Preparing breakfast takes about 10 minutes at most. When people say they have no time for breakfast, it's simply not true. Shut the TV off a half an hour early, go to bed and sleep an extra 15 minutes and you still have 15 minutes to eat breakfast! If you must enjoy your breakfast on the road, it is possible to stop at a grocery store and pick up some fruit, a yogurt or a deli sandwich to eat on the way to work. Convenience stores or gas stations are usually stocked with protein or energy bars. Look for one with 250 calories or less and 5 grams or more of fiber. If you stop at a Diner, don't opt for the He-Man Country Breakfast. Instead, order egg whites, oatmeal, salad or a fruit cup. Women will be sufficiently fueled with a breakfast containing 250-350 calories. Men may take a little more. Keep your breakfast foods low in fat and high in fiber to bring your energy level up and your waistline in. You can feel good about making these right choices and make your mama proud!

Eat Your Breakfast

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